JAYSON HARRISFORD (Glenn Plummer) has directed several micro-budget horror features over the last few years. Recently, he created his masterpiece dramatic feature, but to no avail, as Hollywood’s distributors had no interest in it. He then elicits the help of his neophyte producer, Bravo, to help him shoot some alternate footage, including sex scenes, for his movie so that he can take it back to the distributors. That decision would cost him his life.

ASHLEY (Linda Bella) A beautiful French-American actress, she is a student of the ‘dark arts’, and uses her evil ‘charm’ to progress her acting career. She meets a new boyfriend, Burt, a stuntman, whose love and devotion for her has no boundaries. She convinces him to talk with the director and producer of his movie, and asks if she could be in the movie too. An emotionally disturbed young woman, she rides a wave of bi-polar ups-and-downs during the shooting of her scenes. To calm herself down, she takes a plethora of anti-psychotic medications. The monsters seem to avoid her when they attack the movie crew… but her safe escape from them is not a sure thing.

BRAVO ROBERTS (Blaine Cade) Jayson’s Producer on his last few movies is eager, hard working, but for the most part, inept. There’s something a little askew behind Bravo’s thoughts as he seems to be a step behind everyone, even though he’s leading the pack. He finds himself at a crossroads to help Jayson as he’s run out of investors for Jayson’s movies. He finds a book on demonic rituals, which he uses to tap into a ‘special skills’ set. His devises a clever plot to get the girl and the money, only to have it backfire on him in a big way!

BURT (Edward Hendershott) Usually does stunt work on Jayson’s micro-budget movies. He recently trained six months with Army Rangers for a promised role in a “big action movie” that Jayson was supposed to direct. Instead, he asks Burt to do some “provocative scenes” in this “little horror picture”, and if he does it, will give a small role to Jayson’s new girlfriend, Ashley, who has aspirations to be a big star. Burt acquiesces, and soon finds himself using his military training to try to save his girlfriend and the rest of the crew from the ‘devil dogs’ attacking them.

KRIS (Paul Misko) Jayson met him at a tattoo parlor and thought he would make a great lead for the new scenes. Kris has never acted before, but he proved to have more talent than the rest of the cast put together. He invited his Latin ‘hottie’ girlfriend, Bianca along for ‘immoral’ support, and she was glad to oblige him. In all seriousness, Kris did his best to focus on doing a good job, but nobody told him about the monsters. Now for sure he wants to get paid!

SUZY (Jacqui Holland) The consummate ‘B’ movie actress, has yet again taken the ‘unassuming bimbo’ role in this no budget movie, exposing her tits and ass, yet again for the umpteenth time, trying to get the part that will land her bigger roles in bigger movies. She finds herself traipsing deep in the woods and fights her deepest instincts that this ‘might’ be dangerous. She finds out the hard way… you should always trust your instincts.

SCRIPTY (Ashton Blanchard) Although she was originally hired to be the script supervisor, she is also a talented actress and one helluva screamer! Jayson hires her to replace an actress that didn’t show. She decides to do it, but is adamant about one thing, “… she won’t show her titties!” This feisty and independent soul has a crush on the sound guy… so what she has ‘daddy’ issues, he’s nice. She realizes that screaming at the top of her lungs won’t chase the monsters away, and uses her face instead. Not a good idea…

GUY (Lee Perkins) The sound mixer, one of the older, more experienced hands on the set, has worked with Jayson for years and is his only real friend. He’s pretty much a ‘yes’ man for the director, and his light hearted, jovial style usually keeps the crew laughing. He falls in love with the extremely young looking script supervisor. Can’t really blame him. She’s cute. Who knew she would turn out to be ‘monster bait’?

MAKEUP GIRL (Flora Marin) She offered her Dad’s old mountain cabin for the production to shoot their new scenes at. She agreed to do it if she could get Key Make-up Credit to help her career. She came out to the woods many times with her Dad, and isn’t afraid of all the wild life, monsters not included!

BIANCA (Gladys Otero) Kris’ Spanish speaking girlfriend, who’s hanging around the set to keep Kris company. She’s very pretty, very quiet, and has been keeping a quiet secret. She speaks fluent English and can communicate just fine when her life Is on the line. She is quite the tart, and looks good covered in blood!

ARIEL (Claudia Perea) She’s sent to Earth from Heaven to put the monsters back in their place in Hell. She’s an angel with a shotgun! Shotgun, you ask? While on Earth, she’s somewhat human and it’s the only thing that will penetrate the hard heads of the hellish creatures. She has a no nonsense, take no prisoners attitude, but that’s ok. She’s sensitive enough to enjoy a hot bath, with candlelight, and Sade playing in the b.g. Ariel is single, but still in love with Thomas.

THOMAS (Curt Mega) Although Ariel’s ex-boyfriend, he still cares for her and follows her down to Earth to help her with her ‘monster’ problem. Even though they’re on Earth, arguing seems to be all they can do… so much so that the ‘monsters’ can’t stand it anymore and put an end to it… for goddsake!