Monsters... Moviemakers...& More!
Here are some downloadable stills from the movie, along with some behind-the-scenes photos of those responsible for this Monster Mayhem!

Our official MITW movie poster.

The cast and crew were still smiling even after shooting for two days in hot, humid, bug infested conditions in the mountains of Big Bear, CA.

This was an early MITW poster shot featuring the angel, Ariel (Claudia Perea) confronting the 'Turkeyneck' (Richard Raad).

Director, Jason Horton, giving scene notes to actor Alonzo Jones

Producer, Robert Bravo, actress Flora Marin, and Exec. Producer, Al Gomez catch a break from the heat during some down time during shooting.

'Scripty', played by Ashton Blanchard (who also happens to be the screaming girl on our poster), is smiling now. A few minutes after this shot was taken, fake blood was poured all over her. Keep smiling, Ashton!!